Wednesday, October 19, 2005


I felt joyful, peaceful and amazed as I stood on the beach looking out over the bay at sunrise.
Words do not seem to be able to express how wonderful I felt.
As I enjoyed the natural surroundings, I thought about how life could possibly be if I was able to fully forgive.
I imagined being able to enjoy everybody just as they are, doing what they do without me wanting to change anything.
I left that joy for a while as I thought about the way I often experience people. Words like "he shouldn't shout so loudly", "she needs to take her own responsibility" and "I wish he wouldn't spend so much time playing playstation games" came to mind. I did not feel that peace and joy as I thought those words.
I then looked at the sky. Even though some of the clouds were dark, I loved the experienc of looking at the sky just as it is.
I will forgive more.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Forgiveness is freedom.

Many people believe that forgiveness is like telling the person who caused harm that "it is OK".
That is why a lot of people are uninterested in forgiveness.
I believe that forgiveness is giving up the desire for revenge.
I see forgiveness as the act of moving away from playing the powerless role of victim.
To be consistent with that belief, I regularly do "forgiveness exercises".
I read about forgiveness. I spend time with people who forgive.
As I do this, I am less restricted by what happened in the past. I am more free to enjoy the present and create a new future.
I also write about forgiveness. I am inspired by what I hear and read in reply to what I write.