Sunday, February 27, 2005

Is it possible to be too forgiving?

I read of a comment that people can be too forgiving. I do not believe that it is possible to be too forgiving. I do however know of several traps. I can forgive the other person and not forgive myself. I may forgive intellectually yet still have unresolved emotions of anger, hurt and pain.These two traps are so common that I find there are only a small number of people who do not tend to pull myself and other people into the trap. Until recently, I was one of the worst offenders. I was unforgiving of my mistakes. I was unwilling to allow myself or others to express anger, and that suppression often caused destructive outbursts or self sabotage in stead of powerful resolution of problems.I think that it would be difficult for many people to really understand these traps, and would be likely to believe that others can be too forgiving. They could think that by judging others that way, they would be able to justify their own unforgiveness. They would also be surrounded by many like minded people who agree with them.


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